The Świętokrzyskie Regional Assembly

The Świętokrzyskie Regional Assembly

The Regional Assembly of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is a constitutive and controlling authority in the voivodeship. It includes 30 members, appointed in direct elections. The Assembly’s term of office lasts 5 years. All resolutions submitted during its sessions are accepted by the majority of votes, in the presence of at least half of the formal participants.

The assigned duties of the Assembly are: constituting the acts of local law – especially the statutory act of the voivodeship, rules of management for the assets of the voivodeship, rules and procedures of using public buildings and equipment owned by the voivodeship; adopting i.a. the development strategy of the voivodeship, long-term regional programmes, spatial planning schemes as well as the voivodeship’s budget. The Regional Assembly elects and dismisses the Board of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship and examines the reports on its activity.

The Assembly appoints a Chairman from its members. He arranges the assembly’s work and chairs its sessions. During the current term of office the Chairman of the Świętokrzyskie Regional Assembly is Mr Andrzej Bętkowski.