Core. To Manage Bio Waste Wisely

CORE. To manage bio-waste wisely

We are starting another project under the Interreg Europe program! This time, in an international partnership, the local government of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship will look for innovative and effective solutions and exchange experiences regarding regional policy in the area of bio-waste management.

“Composting in Rural Environments” (CORE) is one of five projects under the Interreg Europe Program in which the Marshal Office of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is one of the partners. On Friday, March 17, the first online meeting of the participants of this international project took place.

In addition to the local government of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, it is attended by representatives of eight countries – the Spanish region of Castile – La Mancha (which is the project leader), the Autonomous Province of Bolzano from Italy, the Western Macedonia region from Greece, as well as the Public Waste Agency from Belgian Flanders, the Ministry of Agriculture , Environment and Climate Protection in Brandenburg (Germany), the Regional Development Agency (Hungary) and the municipality of Söderhamn in Sweden. The advisory partner is the European Composting Network. It is worth adding that the Marshal Office representing the project – the Department of Investment and Development (Regional Economic Promotion Branch) will be supported during its implementation by the Waste Management Branch of the Department of Environment and Waste Management.

What challenges do CORE project participants face? Its aim is to support the exchange of experiences, prepare innovative solutions and build the capacity of institutions participating in the preparation and implementation of regional development policies in the context of bio-waste management, in particular in sparsely populated rural areas.

Creating good solutions in this area is extremely important, because from 2023, all EU Member States are obliged to selectively collect bio-waste or ensure its recycling at source. By 2035, 65 percent municipal waste must be recycled, however, due to the significant amount of bio-waste, this goal may be difficult to achieve. Therefore, we need to look for effective solutions to meet EU requirements.

The CORE project will be implemented over the next four years as part of the Interreg Europe 2021-2027 program, which is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The Marshal Office of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, as one of the nine partners of the project partners, and at the same time the only only from Poland, has a budget of PLN 739,000 for its implementation, of which PLN 591,000 is EU funding.



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