Youth Regional Assembly of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship

Youth Regional Assembly of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship

The Youth Regional Assembly is a unique, educational initiative, dedicated to young citizens of the Świętokrzyskie region. It was appointed in 2018 and gathers a group of activists representing local youth municipal assemblies, students’ boards from schools and universities and NGOs which are working with and for the youth. It serves as an initiating, recommending, consultative and advisory body for the local goverment of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. Its main purpose is to engage young people in the activities in their surroundings, increase their social activity and teach about the idea of self-government.

The members of the Youth Assembly present opinions on resolutions of the regional parliament – the scholarship programmes for learning results and sporting achievements and the plan of cooperation with NGOs, they also encourage the Regional Assembly’s members to engage in initiatives devoted to  young citizens of the region. The distinctive feature of this body is its form of work which closely resembles the work of the Regional Assembly (it is organized in cyclical plenary sessions, preceded by meetings of problem committees). The young councilors appoint a Chairman from its members. He is in charge of a 4-people Presidium, arranges the assembly’s work and chairs its meetings (the sessions). During the IV term of office of the Youth Regional Assembly (2024-2026) the function of the Chairman was granted to Mr Oskar Frydrych. You can contact the Assembly through the Office of the Świętokrzyskie Regional Assembly.

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